when i was in middle school, i was given homework for every subject excluding PE and health. the homework was relatively easy.
Too much homework can lead to stress, burnout, and reduced sleep quality in students. It can also limit time for extracurricular activities and social interactions, which are important for overall well-being and development.
it is as follows: www.mmshw.com the mmshw stands for Marlborough Middle School home-work
The amount of homework a student should have depends on the grade they are in and other factors. Grades K-2 should not have very much homework. Starting in grade 3, students can have more homework, but not so much that they get discouraged or feel a lot of pressure. As students get older, they could have more homework, but again, not so much that they are overwhelmed or have to spend the entire evening doing homework. Middle school and high school students should be able to handle whatever homework they are given as long as it is not so much that they honestly cannot get it done if they are trying to do it.
Middle school classes tend to have more responsibility (including homework) than elementary schools, but not quite as much as most high school classes. Also, in many middle schools, extra classes like band are offered.
obviously STUDY and DO your homework
Tell him he has homework on a Friday night.
Some schools do and some don't
Yes. Students need to study more, not be given so much work that they are so overly stressed that they cannot think. Okay uhhh, that's a no brainer. I am in middle school and i say heck yeah to less homework. none at all if possible. :)
six hours
I usually spend 3-4 hours a night on homework. Sometimes when my teachers aren't feeling very nice, we get 10 hours. My mom has found me up at 4 A.M. before, doing homework. Hope this helps, CrazyGenie
Do your Homework by yourself, if you cheat through Elementary school, you will fail in Middle school.