It really depends on the University, a community college might cost a couple thousand dollars as opposed to Harvard which costs a lot of money!
to much
depends what state you live in. go to your community college's website.
local community college
Good question, But the amount of money you pay for college depends on which college you go to. If its a community college it may cost less. But if its a very good and private college it could cost more. The average for most colleges are maybe 25,000 a year and usually if your going for 4 years it shoul cost close to 100,000. Ask me anything else if you need more information
it depends it can be 5,000$ for community college up to around 50,000$ For highly rich private college
May be this site can help you
Hi there, A good <a href="">tshirt printing</a> machine will cost you around $30,000. This is the price here in Australia so may be different where you are from. This is a production machine design to print direct to garment. Hope this helps
7 million dollars
about $14.5million
It depends on the college or university. Each will have tuition and fees particular to themselves. However, community college in general are less expensive then the four year colleges and universities.
At a community college, the class can range anywhere from $100 to $500. They are usually cheaper than 4 year universities.