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Q: How much would a teacher get paid in Zimbabwe?
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they would get paid, $90,560,000 Australian Dollars

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How much would you get paid if you was a drama teacher?

The average salary is $73,000 depending on experience.

How much does a teacher get paid in Vermont?

Too much

How much does a teacher in israel get paid?

They get paid $240 dollars a day

How much do teacher get paid daily?

Not enough (:

If you want to become a PE teacher how much would you expect to get paid?

bout 12 bucks an hour in my state.

How much does a teacher gets paid a mouth?


How much does a teacher get paid for a month?

1 dollor

How much does a teacher get paid a mouth?

A mouth of what? Haha.

How much does a west Virginia teacher assistant make?

Teacher's aide don't get paid salary they get paid by the hour.

How much does a dance teacher get paid monthly?

Not that much. Like 40-50$