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Education is usually financed by the Government of a particular state or Country.

There is already certain funds put in place such as the GPE Fund.

  • Education Plan Development Grant provides up to $250,000 to all low-income countries interested in joining the Global Partnership to help develop or revise their education plans;
  • Program Development Grant provides $200,000 (up to $400,000 in exceptional cases) for the design of education programs (planning for implementation);
  • Program Implementation Grant provides funding for the implementation of a three-year program that reflects the strategies of the education plan, including things like schools, books, teacher training, school meals, etc.

Such Funds are put in place to make sure that education is properly financed.

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You can make educational budget cuts by choosing those items that are not essential. In some cases, extra-curricular activities may be cut along with some sports, clubs, and personnel.

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12y ago

You have to get politically active, and you have to start going public with your advocacy efforts. Run for office. take out ads in your local media. Go door to door.

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