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comprar = to buy
Compro/compras/compra/compramos/compráis/compran = I buy/you buy/he-she-it buys/we buy/you buy/they buy

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Q: How to say buy in Spanish?
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How do you say to buy in spanish?

To say "to buy" it would be comprar.

How do you say we buy in Spanish?


How do you you say to buy in spanish?


How do you say good buy in spanish?

You could say "buena compra".

How do you say 'we buy pizza' in Spanish?

You could say "Compramos pizza".

How do you say 'did you buy my shoes' in Spanish?

You can say "¿Compró mis zapatos?"

How do you say i like to buy in spanish?

Me gusta comprar

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¿ puedo comprarte comida ?

How you say to buy in spanish?

To buy its "comprar" I compro You compras He She compra Us compramos They compran

How do you say afford in Spanish?

you say you either can pay or you have sufficient money to buy or you do not. there is no verb 'to afford'

How do you say did you buy me presents in spanish?

es todo el me haras