"Ana ismi Mohamed," or just "ismi Mohamed"
Mohamed Sami Anwar has written: '\\' -- subject(s): Arabic language, Dialects
Mohamed Abdel Hamid Ibrahim Higazy is the Ambassador of the Arabic Republic of Egypt to Kenya.
If you want to say Arabic in Arabic this is how you say it=Arabi
Islam started when prophet Mohamed peace be upon him received his first revelation about 1440 years ago in Makkah Prophet Mohamed is Arabic, his teachings are to all humanity.
Quran revelation to prophet Mohamed was in Arabic. However, Muslims with mother tongue language is Arabic constitute less than 15 % of all Muslims. The rest are Muslims with mother tongue language not Arabic, although some of them may have learned Arabic for religious reasons.
To say 'disbeliever' in Arabic, you would say 'kaffir.'
In Arabic we say Ramadan.
With is مع in Arabic.
In formal Arabic, say "Ayna Tareq?" In slang Arabic, say" wean Tareq?" or "Fean Tariq?"