Que clase tienes en la quinta hora = What class do you have on fifth period?
Necesita escribir en inglés para su clase.
La Clase: The Class.
"What class do you like more, Spanish class or English class?"
What is on the table or there on the table.
what do you have to do in the spanish class
¿A qué hora tienes la clase de matemáticas? means What time is your Math class?
¿A QUÉ HORA USAS LA COMPUTADORA PARA LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL? (Correct spelling) = At what time do you use the computer for the Spanish class?Pues a esa hora, a la que le toque usarla.
What days do you go to class?'
what does A que hora es tu clase de matematicas
It means "in which class do you read a lot", so you would answer with the class in which you read a lot: "en la clase de ___________(fill in the blank with the name of the class).
Translation: What time is the biology class? A possible answer: La clase es a las ocho y quince - The class is at 8.15