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Q: If a female salmon lays 2000 eggs how many are likely to become adults?
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If a female salmon lays 2000 eggs how many will beccome adults?

2 or 3

What is a female salmon called?

A female salmon is called a hen.

What stages do salmon have to go through to be an adult?

Salmon go through several stages to become adults. They start as eggs, then hatch into alevins. Next, they become fry, then parr, and eventually smolts before migrating to the ocean. After spending time in the ocean, they return to freshwater as adults to spawn and complete the life cycle.

What does sockeye salmon eat?

Minnows and aquatic life as young, then fish as they become adults in the ocean.

How do you tell a male salmon from a female salmon?

the male salmons are bigger and the female salmons are wider i found out when i dissected a salmon

How salmon reproduce?

They hatch from eggs - then join the microscopic life in the stream. They 'chemically imprint' the 'taste' of the stream where they hatch, and are able to find their way back there to spawn once they reach maturity.Known as spawning: A female salmon will lay eggs in the upper reaches of streams and rivers, and the male will fertilise the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the young salmon spend sometime in fresh water before heading out into the sea where they eventually become adults. They will return eventually to spawn in the same river in which they had been hatched.

Who give birth once in life and die?

Salmon are born in the river, swim out to sea, become adults, swim back to the river they were born in, lay their eggs, and die.

How these the female salmon make her nest?

the female salmon is helped to lay its eggs by rubbing its genitals against male fish to stimulate its cliterus

Do salmon incubate their eggs?

NO salmon dont incubate their eggs, fish dont incubate their eggs at all, they lay them and the male fish swims by the fish and releases the sperm near the eggs and they become fertilized outside of the female fish.

How many eggs do a female sockeye salmon lay?

A salmon has offsprings from 2500-7000 eggs depending on there size. And just to let you know, the steps of how the female salmon reproduces is:1. The male salmon stands in guard while the female salmon digs a saucer shaped nest in the gravel by swishing her tail back and forth.2. Then the female lays her egg in the nest and the male fertilizes with sperm.3. Then the female swims forward a short distance, digs another nest, and lays more egg.

What does the milky substance that the male salmon is releasing over the eggs laid by a female salmon contain?

Milt :)

Why is it necessary for the female salmon to lay hundereds of eggs?

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