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It doesn't sound like you are pregnant, but if you are, it would show on a home pregnancy test, so you should take it.

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Q: If you had a period last month on the 16 you were 10 days late then got your period and this month you were 6 days late and had a regular period and shed the uterine lining but you still feel you migh?
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Can a woman still have her period after she falls pregnant?

No. Periods stop when you are pregnant because you are not getting rid of an unused uterine lining--you are using it for nine months. Once a month, the uterine lining is prepared to receive sperm. If it doesn't, meaning that you ovulate but do not conceive, your body sloughs it off, and that's your period.

How mensis occur?

The menstrual cycle is the process by which a woman's body prepares for the possibility of pregnancy each month. The cycle is regulated by hormones and involves the shedding of the uterine lining if no fertilization occurs. This shedding of the uterine lining is what causes menstruation, also known as a period.

Can you get pregnant after the dnc and have not had a period for 3 years?

You need to find out why you have not had a period in three years - during a D & C, the doctor gently scrapes the lining off of the uterine wall. No period indicates the lining has not been replaced, a process that should happen during your monthly cycle. After ovulation, when an egg is released - without conception, the uterine lining is shed this is the monthly bleeding called a period. A new lining is started every month - waiting for possible implantation of a fertilized egg.

What happen to the uterus lining if no pregnancy occurs?

If no pregnancy occurs, the thickened uterine lining sheds during the menstrual period. The shedding of the lining is the body's way of preparing for a potential pregnancy next month.

Can you have your period and not bleed?

yes because its a cycle thats happens once a month unless if you are pregnant,so with that if you dont get your period 3 -4 months you may be pregnant if it odes come once a month then your not pregnant and you will realeas eggs during your period which would be the fetus unless if your pregnant fetus-is a fancy word for baby /

What are the reasons girls have periods?

Girls have periods as part of their menstrual cycle. When an egg is not fertilized, the egg and uterine lining is expelled from the body once a month which is known as a period.

Is it possible to bleed every month while pregnant?

YES YOU CAN! The bleeding is NOT YOUR PERIOD though, since a period is technically the shedding of the uterine lining and unfertilized egg. No one is really sure what causes the bleeding.

What will the female not have if a sperm fertillised an egg?

If a sperm fertilizes an egg, the female will not have a menstrual cycle for that month as the fertilized egg will implant in the uterine lining and develop into a pregnancy.

Where does period blood come from?

Period blood comes from the shedding of the uterine lining, which builds up each month in preparation for a potential pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the lining is no longer needed and is expelled from the body through the vagina during menstruation.

How is it possible to have a period after a tubal ligation if the tubes are blocked how does the egg travel to make you have a period?

This is because the egg is only physically barred from getting through. The uterine lining still thickens and builds up during the cycle as no-one told it there was no point! Your hormones still function in the same way, producing and releasing the egg, and building the womb's lining. The period still has the function of cleaning out this thickened lining each month.

The shedding of the lining in the woman's uterus once a month is called what?

When the uterine lining sheds this is typically called menstruation. Although women on hormonal birth control will experience a faux period in the form of a withdrawal bleed.

When does uterine lining break down?

The uterine lining breaks down during menstruation, which is the shedding of the endometrium that occurs approximately once a month in women of reproductive age. This process is triggered by a drop in hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone, leading to the detachment of the lining and its subsequent expulsion from the body through the vagina.