Yes it's normal. It happens. It isn't a normal cycle, but often times it reccurs earlier than it should. Taking the pill is supposed to make your period more regular.
Had my normal period dec 6th thru the 10th had sex on the 11th again on the 15th started light bleeding on the 20th for 3 days .
You may of started your period early. All you can do is wait and see if this turns into a normal period. Or do a pregnancy test in a few days time.
If there is any chance that you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side. However, it is probably just that you had a shorter period than normal, for no explained reason. If it happens again, go and see your doctor
mines been like that . i only started mine 3 days ago aswell did you ?
Yes. When you stop the hormone after week 3, your body will have a period again.
I started my period at my correct timing. But it was light and ended two days before it did the last time (i thought that was the best period ever! Haha). Two weeks later it started again and it was normal. Im only 12, is this bad and what could it mean?
if you are young it is naural you and your body is just starting. you shouldn't be worried but if i was you i would keep and eye on it, adventually it will go back to normal
if i were you i'd go to the doctor. This is not normal and can be a sign of several problems including STDS, infection, or something more serious like cysts or tumors.
It could still be your period. When I was 18 I got my normal period,then started spotting a few days after.(that had never happened before) Turns out,I was pregnant.So,it's either still your period,or you're pregnant.
If you have already started and waiting for it to happen again. They will be round about 30 days apart.
it is normal because u have to wait 28 days and then 28 more days and it starts again so it is normal
No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.