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Q: In Arkansas what is the legal age for a teen to move out of their parents' house with court permission?
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How can a 17 year old female legally move out of her parents house in Arkansas?

In Arkansas the simplest way is if the parents give their permission to do so. Otherwise they will have to wait until they turn 18.

Can a 17 year old girl move out her parents house in La?

Not without parents permission or emancipation by the court.

Can a pregnant girl move out of her parents house in California to live with her boyfriend?

Yes, if she has the permission of her parents or a court order. Otherwise she will have to stay until she is 18.

Can a 17 year old move out of their parents' house in Chicago is she is pregnant?

Only with parental permission or being emancipated by the court.

Can you move out of your house at 17 in the state of Arkansas?

In Arkansas, the legal age of majority is 18, so at 17 you are considered a minor. To move out of your house before the age of majority, you typically need parental consent or a court order for emancipation. It is important to follow the legal processes to ensure your safety and well-being.

Can you move out of the house in the state of Georgia if you are 15 years old going on 16?

In Georgia you must have a court order or your parents permission. As a minor your parents are still responsible for you.

What is the legal age to move out of your parents house if you have a baby in Arkansas?

18, unless you go to court and become an emancipated minor at an earlier age.

Can a pregnant 17-year-old girl leave her parents' house without their permission in Arkansas to live with her boyfriend and his family?

no they cannot. it is against federal law. they must have permission to leave or it's off for 12 mos.

When can you legally move out of your parents' house with their permission?

If your parents give you permission, you can move out at any time. Giving that permission does not releave them of their responsibilities for you.

In Alabama can a 15 year old girl who is pregnant move out of her parents house without their permission if their causing stress on the pregnancy?

Only if she has a court order.

What is the legal age for a teen to move out of their parents house with out their parents permission in the state of California with out living with a Gardien?

18 is when you can move out without your parents permission

Can a 16 year old who is pregnant and lives in New York State move out of her parents house without parental permission?