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Penn State is typically referred to as a four year university with multiple campuses. However, the school offers the following degree types depending on the campus.

* Associate * Bachelor's * Master's * Doctoral * First Professional

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12y ago

It's a university so it would be four years. Community colleges are the ones that you only go to for two years..

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Q: Is University of Kentucky a two year or four year college?
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Is ucla a two year or four year college?

The University of California: Los Angeles (UCLA) is a public four year university.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated directly below this answer section.

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It means that credit for the course can be transferred from a community college to a four-year university. The topics covered, and the level of depth, should be comparable to the similar course that is taught at the four-year university. Contact a counselor at the four-year university for advice on what classes will transfer.