Aquila is the Latin word for "eagle".
Aquila (ah-KEE-lah) is the Latin and Romance language word for eagle.
velut aquila subvolare (to soar like an eagle) velut aquila subvola (soar like an eagle - imperative) velut aquila subvolat (he/she soars like an eagle) you can also substitute "velut aquila" with "similis aquilae" (aquila changes to aquilae because similis compares using the genitive case)
Aquila is the Latin word for eagle. It looks a bit like a bird as ancient people saw it.
eagle - aquila
Aquila. It is just to the north of Capricorn and Sagittarius.
Aquila = Eagle
The nickname of the constellation Aquila is "The Eagle." It is named after the majestic bird that is associated with the Greek god Zeus in mythology.