No. Chaver (חבר) is the masculine word for "friend." Chava (חוה) is the Hebrew name for Eve. The female word for friend is chavera (חברה).
It comes from chava (חוה) which is the Hebrew form of the name Eve.
chava (חוה) means "Eve". It comes from the word for life.
eve (as in Evening) = erev (ערב)Eve (as in the name) = Khavva (חוה) which means "living" or "source of life"
Eve (Chava, in Hebrew). Genesis ch.1-3.See also the Related Link.Were Adam and Eve created?
Chava Sobol's birth name is Chava Deborah Sobol.
Chava (English: Eve).
Naturally, the first woman in the world: Eve or as she is called in the Torah, Chava.
All people according to the Bible are descendants of Adam and Chava (Eve).
In Genesis 4, Adam and Chava (Eve) had three sons, whom they named Cayin, Hevel and Shet (Cain, Abel and Seth). They also gave reasons for two of the three names. Other than that, Adam and Eve are not mentioned in Genesis 4.