Monstruo is the literal translation of monster.
Though they do have the "coco" which is sort of like the Spanish boogey-man/closet monster.
Trick question! The word "mosquito" is exactly the same in English and Spanish. It's derived from the Spanish word "mosca", a fly.To spell it out:M - eme (EMMay)O - o (aw)S - ese (ESSay)Q - cu (coo)U - u (oo)I - i (ee)T - te (tay)O - o (aw)
Q ls
cucharas (cu-cha-ras)
"culo" as one word in spanish means "ass."
cu ot ro
cu - pronounced 'coo'
The currant is quite tasty.
it is a 6.6 liter (402 cu. in.) v8 made by izuzu. A real monster!
"Perform" in Spanish is "ejecutar". It is pronounced "ay-hay-cu-TAR". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.
No. From German 'kuh' (pronounced 'coo'), via Old English 'cu' and Sanskrit 'go'.
.07 (No. That is incorrect.) Actually there are 27 cu ft in a cu yard or .037 cu yards in a cu ft.
Cu(I), cuprous, Cu+.