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Not really but you will have to tell them WHY

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Q: Is it legal for a seventeen year old with a GED to legally move out in the state of Oregon?
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If a child is seventeen can they legally leave home if their parents say no?

No, not legally. The minimum legal age of majority for any state is 18.

Is it legal for a married couple of the ages of 16 and 25 to live in Oregon?

If the couple were legally married in one state then the marriage is legally valid in any state to which they choose to relocate, including Oregon.

Does the state of Oregon recognize civil unions legally performed in Connecticut?

Yes, the state of Oregon recognizes civil unions performed in other states as Oregon state registered domestic partnerships which provide the same rights and responsibilities as legal marriage in Oregon.

Does the state of Oregon recognize civil unions legally performed in Illinois?

Yes, the state of Oregon recognizes civil unions performed in other states as Oregon state registered domestic partnerships which provide the same rights and responsibilities as legal marriage in Oregon.

Does the state of Oregon recognize civil unions legally performed in Hawaii?

Yes, the state of Oregon recognizes civil unions performed in other states as Oregon state registered domestic partnerships which provide the same rights and responsibilities as legal marriage in Oregon.

Does the state of Oregon recognize civil unions legally performed in Delaware?

Yes, the state of Oregon recognizes civil unions performed in other states as Oregon state registered domestic partnerships which provide the same rights and responsibilities as legal marriage in Oregon.

Does the state of Oregon recognize civil unions legally performed in Vermont?

Yes, the state of Oregon recognizes civil unions performed in other states as Oregon state registered domestic partnerships which provide the same rights and responsibilities as legal marriage in Oregon.

Does the state of Oregon recognize civil unions legally performed in New Jersey?

Yes, the state of Oregon recognizes civil unions performed in other states as Oregon state registered domestic partnerships which provide the same rights and responsibilities as legal marriage in Oregon.

Is it legal for a 12 year old and a 19 year old to date in the state of Oregon?

Probably not- one is legally a child, the other legally an adult. It is DEFINITELY illegal for them to have sex- the age of consent in Oregon is 18.

If you are seventeen and have a child can you legally move out of your parents' house in Washington state?

what you can do is call your local police department and ask them this question to see if it is legal in your state No, the legal age for the state is 18, and having a child doesn't make any difference in when a person stops being a minor and becomes a legal adult.

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Can a seventeen year old legally move out of one parents house to to the others in the state of Kentucky?
