It is possible to use the library as one resource to complete your college education. You can also obtain enough information from a good public library that would equate to a college education. However, there would be no authoritative tool of measurement to document you actually were successful in that quest. Lastly, public libraries are not authorized to award college degrees.
A professional education is an education that you receive in college or in a trade school. This education will help you obtain and understand your profession.
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If your refering to grant money for schooling and education, then yes it is possible to receive grant money from the Federal government and the college and university. One example of a federal grant being the CAL grant A which is award to students in need.
To receive good education, no, to receive education perceived as good in the eyes of the public yes. You will hardly use any of it in the real life, and your degree will not even usually have anything to do with your job.Van
Longer work hours.
Clara Barton did not attend college. However, she did receive education at home and by attending private schools.
An individual can receive training of law from different sources. The best source for receiving lawyer training is enroll in to a law college.
GER stands for General Education Requirement in college, which refers to a set of courses that all students are required to take in order to receive a well-rounded education across different disciplines.
He attended South African Native College and studied law at the University of the Witwatersrand.
Mohandas Gandhi was educated in law at University College, London and was admitted to the bar in 1891.
Every person has the right to receive the best education they can get, but that means proving they can actually get the education (as opposed to simply showing up and doing the tests without actually learning or using it).
this is terrible but i'd like to bump this question to hopefully get an answer