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Q: Is learning nepali language difficult
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How can you put this sentence in past tence to learn a second language can be difficult?

Learning a second language can be difficult.

What is the official language of Sikkim?

Nepali Nepali

What language are Nepali songs in?

Nepali itself is a language, spoken by at least 17 million people living in Nepal. Actually "Nepali" is the official language in that area. So by the end of the day "Nepali songs" are sung in "Nepali".

What is different between Nepali and English?

English language is international language. Nepali language common medium language.

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What's mean janche in nepali language?

The word जनचे is janache in the Nepali language. It means a probe or a test .

Why was the Nepali language called khas bhasha or sinjali bhasha?

Nepali language was called khas bhasa because it gave birth to the Nepali language

Does Nirmal Baba know the Nepali language?

Yes, he knows the Nepali laungage,

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How do you say hi in nepali language?

In Nepali, you can say "Namaste" to greet someone.

What country speaks nepalese?

Nepali is the official language of Nepal, but it is also spoken in Bhutan. It was actually first called Khaskura, then Gorkhali, before being named Nepali. Nepali is the official language of Nepal, but it is also spoken in Bhutan. It was actually first called Khaskura, then Gorkhali, before being named Nepali.Nepali is the official language of Nepal, but it is also spoken in Bhutan. It was actually first called Khaskura, then Gorkhali, before being named Nepali.

What is the capital and language of Nepal?

Capital - Kathmandu Language - Nepali