Yeah, I transferred there 3 years ago from Appalachian State University, and was pleasantly surprised. They don't enforce the drinking age at all on one of the two campuses, and there are actually a couple different spots on campus that you can spend meal points on alcohol. Frat culture is also really big, as all frats have to be on campus and almost half of the student body is in a frat or some other sort of selective living group.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
The University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky, is a public university.
The university of Kentucky holds the mark followed by UNC
Correspondence schools located in Eastern Kentucky are such as ABeka Academy, American School, Calvert School, Moore Foundation, the University of Kentucky but there are many more schools.
University of Kentucky is ranked as the top school in the state of Kentucky, and Louisville is ranked right behind it. However, it depends on what field you want to go into, some programs are better at UK, others are better at U of L..
Not to big of a party school. You might hear a lot of people saying it is the party school of Utah, but the biggest party school in Utah is Westminster, then University of Utah, then Utah State, then Southern Utah University. If your looking for a crazy party school Utah is NOT the state! :)
yes it is.
It is in the top 10 party schools in the country.