The prefix "mono-" derives from the Greek language. The equivalent Latin prefix would be "uni-".
uni (latin) mono (greek) both of them mean one
If you mean the prefix "uni-" (unicellular, etc.), then it comes from the Latin word unus, meaning "one". (The nearly-equivalent prefix "mono-", however, comes from Greek.)
The prefix "mono" comes from the Greek language.
The syllables 'mono-' make up a Latin prefix that comes from the earlier, ancient, classical Greek prefix of the same spelling. The original meaning of the Greek prefix is alone. The Latin prefix also takes on the meanings of 'lone' and 'single'.
The suffix "-mono" is derived from the Greek language. In Greek, "mono" means "alone" or "single." It is commonly used in English as a suffix to denote something that is unique or singular, such as "monopoly" or "monotone."
"Mono" is not a Latin word. It is an English prefix which derives from classical Greek monos, meaning single, one, alone (as in English monochrome).The Latin equivalent is solus, unicus or unus.
The prefix "nona-" is Latin. It is derived from the Latin word "nonus" meaning "ninth."
The prefix in the word "monotonous" is "mono-," which means "single" or "one." This prefix indicates that something is the same or repetitive.
The previous answer here was "greek". Unfortunately, this is incorrect; perhaps it was a guess? The correct answer is Latin; reference: .
Greek and Latin and Sanskrit.
Penta is of Greek origin.