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Q: Is there any salvage value for a burned Saturn car?
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How can you calculate a motorcycle's depreciation value?

Formula for calculating depreciation value Annual depreciation value = (Total cost - salvage value (if any) ) / useful life

What are the terms depreciable value salvage value and estimated life mean?

Depreciable Value: It is the value of asset up to which any asset can be depreciated. Salvage Value: It is the value which a company can get on sale of fully depreciated asset. Estimated useful Life: It is that life of an assets which a company determine at the time of purchase for which an asset can be utilized in business to generate revenue.

If your insurance company says your car is a total loss but you want to have it fixed can they charge you a salvage fee to keep your own car?

Any vehicle, whether a total loss or not, has a value. A totaled vehicle, of course, has a significantly lesser value (assuming the actual total loss has already been settled with the vehicle owner). This value can be anywhere from 5 - 25% of the pre-loss value of the vehicle. If you decide to keep a totaled vehicle after settling with an insurance carrier, they can legally remove the salvage value from your settlement. It shouldn't be much, and you can request that they actually get a salvage quote from a salvage yard. The idea behind this is that you can't legally profit from a loss. In your case, if your totaled vehicle has a salvage value, and you're keeping the vehicle, the insurance carrier must deduct that salvage value. Otherwise, you will get a full settlement, and still retain a vehicle with some value. But...try working with the carrier on what that salvage amount is going to be. Sometimes they'll adjust it to get the loss settled, since you never "really" know what the salvage value is going to be until the vehicle is sold at a salvage yard auction.

What is srtaight line method?

Straight line method of depreciation is that under which any asset is depreciated in equal amount for every year till salvage value. Formula for straight line method: Depreciation = (Cost price - Salvage Value)/Number of years

Is depreciation charged on the original cost or the difference between original cost and salvage value in written down value method?

Under written down balance method depreciation is charged from original value and after that on written down balance until useful life of asset and any amount remaining at the end of useful life is the salvage value.

What does rebuilt salvage title do to value of car?

A rebuilt salvage title is issued when a vehicle has been declared a total loss. When that happens, the original title is "retired", and the salvage may be sold--often by an insurance company that paid the owner and acquired the salvage. As a way of recovering some of what it paid, the salvage will be sold by the insurer. The buyer of it may then repair the vehicle to make it road-worthy. The repaired vehicle is then issued a rebuilt salvage title in order to be "legalized" and used as a vehicle. The fact that it has a rebuilt salvage title will generally reduce the value of the car, because any buyer will know that the vehicle has at one time been totaled.

How can you make a salvage title clean on a fifth wheel in Iowa?

You cant make a salvage title clean in any state. Once it has salvage on it, it can not be reversed.

What is a restored salvage title?

it just means that said vehicle has been damaged and an insurance company has considered it to be damaged beyond its value. if it is a "rebuilt" salvage title then it can be used as any other vehicle on the road, it just may effect the cost of insurance.

Are there any terrains on Saturn?

are there any terrains on Saturn the planet ?

Do you need to still pay insurance when your car is totaled?

Assuming that you had collision coverage on your car, when it is totalled, the insurer pays the "actual cash value" of the car, less the collision deductible. This represents the market value of the car immediately before the collision. It takes into account make, model, mileage, condition, and other features. When the car is totalled, you will be given the option of keeping the salvage or letting the insurer keep it. If you keep it, the amount paid to you will be reduced by the value of the salvage. If you keep it the salvage and have the car repaired, sometimes you are allowed to obtain a "salvage title" from the motor vehicle authorities. If the vehicle, as rebuilt, is roadworthy, you will need to insure it as you would any other vehicle.

Where are the salvage yards in my area?

One way to find salvage yards in your area is to look up the yellow pages or your local directory. See if there are any ads for a salvage yard in the index.

What is Saturn volcanoes?

Saturn does not have any volcanoes.