True, the names for September, October, November and December are from the Latin numbers septem (7), octo (8), novem (9) and decem (10) respectively, and these names reflected their position in the calendar until the extra months Januarius and Februarius were added, reputedly by the legendary king Numa Pompilius in 713 B.C. Before that time, there were 61 days of winter that were not assigned to any month. The months we know as July and August were originally called Quintilis (from quintus, "fifth") and Sextilis (from sextus, "sixth") until Quintilis was renamed Julius in honor of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., and Sextilis became Augustus in honor of Caesar Augustus in 8 B.C.
November got its name from the Latin word for nine, novem. It was originally the ninth month in the Roman calendar.
"Novem" is the Latin word for "nine," as November was originally the ninth month in the ancient Roman calendar before January and February were added. So, the prefix "novem-" in November signifies the ninth position.
Originally the ninth month
From the Latin November, meaning the Ninth Month of the Roman Calendar.
November comes from the number nine. November was the ninth month in the old Roman.
The month of November was named by the Romans.The Roman calendar started in March - [unlike the Gregorian Calendar used today with January as the 1st Month] so November was the 9th month of their calendar - [novem is 9 in Latin] -
November was the ninth month in the ancient Roman calender and thus took its name from the Latin Novem, meaning ninth
'September mensis' in the Nominative and 'Septembris mensis' in the Genitive case. (meaning the September month) (meaning of the September month) It comes from the number seven, septem, in Latin because it was originally the seventh month of the year.
"September" comes from the Latin word "septem," meaning seven, as it was originally the seventh month in the ancient Roman calendar.
October was originally the 8th month in the Roman calendar. The name "October" comes from the Latin word "octo," meaning eight.
The name of the eleventh month, November, is derived from the Latin word novem, meaning nine.
November originates in the Latin novem meaning "nine". The month retained its name when January and February were added to the Roman calendar, and is now the 11th month in the Gregorian calendar..