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photo is from phos φώς ΦΩΣ=light

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 7y ago

from the Greek 'phos' meaning light

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Khian Talisay

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โˆ™ 4y ago

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Q: Photo means what in Greek?
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What does photo mean?

Photo Means Light. It is also a Greek root.Here are some words that start with photo: Photography, photocells, photocopy, photodetector, photoduplicate

Which word did photo come from?

The word "photo" originated from the Greek word "phลtos," which means light.

What does the root photo mean?

Ancient Greek photos which means light.

Which part of photography means light?

photo...from a greek word.

What does the photo means?

Photo = light. Graph = writing. So a Photo - graph is light writing. When you consider original photographs where in black and white ( or sepia ) you can see it's a literal translation from the Greek.

Where did the word photosynthesis come from?

It came from the greek PHOTO MEANS-Light SYNTHESIS MEANS-Placing with

Is photos a latin or greek root?

The root "photo" comes from the Greek word "phos" which means light.

What language does the word photo come from?

The word "photo" comes from the Greek word "phลs" which means "light" and the Greek word "graphฤ“" which means "drawing" or "writing". Thus, "photo" can be translated to "light drawing" or "light writing".

What language does photo and geo come from?

The term "photo" comes from the Greek word "phลs," meaning light, while "geo" comes from the Greek word "gฤ“," meaning earth or land.

Latin word for photography?

Answer Many words in the English language come to us from Latin or Ancient Greek. "Photo" is derived from Greek - the Greek word "phos" means "light." The word "graph" also comes from a Greek word meaning "to draw." A Photograph is therefore a drawing made with light. We often shortern the word "photograph" to "photo." The latin word for "light" is "lux."

A picture that means to draw with light and to write in Greek?

Photography. Photo (φωτο, φώς)- means light and -grafy (γράφη-μα) means drawing.

What does the word photo means?

Photo = light. Graph = writing. So a Photo - graph is light writing. When you consider original photographs where in black and white ( or sepia ) you can see it's a literal translation from the Greek.