Yellow cervical mucous is caused by high progesterone in the luteal phase. That, combined with a late menstrual period, could mean pregnanccy.
uh oh.
Yes, I think it is possible.
No, it cannot decrease cervical fluid
The yellow fluid is most likely stomach acid and is probably a result from throwing up on an empty stomach.
Yeah. It happened to me.
well it is possible 'watery creamy cervical fluid' AKA discharge is generally released when you are 'turned on' but it can also be signs/symtoms for other things as for 14 days depends really, as period times can change due to a variety of unharmful and normal things so dont worry too much, if you really are worried then take a prenancy test
Hello - The cervical mucus becomes more consitent and more regular and the amount you lose increases every few days.
You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection
Pre-ejaculate does contain sperm, and a woman can become pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle.
You could get pregnant. If you miss your next period, take a test
To work out your ovulation period you would need to study your body cycle among other things. Studying cervical fluid, your body temperature and the time of your periods will allow you to work out when you ovulate.