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Marvell's To his coy mistress

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Q: The best known carpe diem poem of the 17th century?
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Thomas Hobbes was a prominent 17th-century English philosopher known for his work in political philosophy. He is best known for his book "Leviathan," where he argues for the necessity of a strong central authority to maintain social order and prevent discord. His ideas have had a significant influence on modern political thought.

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Buccaneers were pirates who attacked Spanish shipping in the Caribbean Sea during the 17th century. The term buccaneer is now used as a synonym for a pirate.

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Henry Hudson was an English sea explorer and navigator during the early 17th century, best known for his explorations of present-day Canada and parts of the northeastern United States.

How would you use carpe diem in a sentence?

The exclamation "carpe diem" is Latin for "cease the day. " An example of "carpe diem" in a sentence is "The terminally ill man adapted a carpe diem attitude in order to make the best of the time he has left. "

Diego Rivera was best known in what century?

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Three artists from different centuries who were masters at etching?

17th Century: Rembrandt 18th Century: F Goya 19th century: JAM Whistler are three of the best, but not the only ones.

Where you could find writings about US made by Europeans during the 17th century or before?

The best place to writings about the United States made by Europeans in the 17th century or before is to visit a local library. Ask the librarian how to find the books needed.

What best describes the idea of carpe diem?

Live life to the fullest.