The Sea Devil is a short story written by Arthur Gordon. The short story is about a man who fishes in the Florida Bay and catches a sea devil.
In "The Sea Devil" by Arthur Gordon, the antagonist (the sea devil) is described as a threatening and mysterious creature that terrorizes the protagonist. The sea devil's actions are characterized by its relentless pursuit and predatory nature, instilling fear and danger in the story. Ultimately, its presence serves as a symbol of human helplessness against the forces of nature.
The sea devil's ability to mimic the sound of a mackerel as part of its hunting strategy foreshadows its cunning and deceptive nature. The sea devil's increasing familiarity and boldness in approaching the fisherman's boat hint at escalating danger and conflict. The fisherman's sense of unease and foreboding before encountering the sea devil foreshadows the imminent threat and suspense that will unfold in the story.
Arthur Gordon, who is not a well known author at all.
In "The Sea Devil" by Arthur Gordon, the falling action occurs when the protagonist faces the sea devil in a final confrontation. The resolution comes as the protagonist manages to outsmart the sea devil and survive the encounter, leading to a sense of closure and the story coming to an end.
The setting of the story "Greyling" by Jane Yolen is a small coastal village in Ireland. The story follows a woman named Elsie who lives with her husband in a cottage by the sea.
The tone of "The Sea Devil" by Arthur Gordon is mysterious and suspenseful, as the story follows a man's encounter with a creature of the sea. The tone also conveys a sense of awe and wonder at the power and beauty of the natural world.
The man in the story "The Sea Devil" is intentionally nameless to create a sense of mystery and universality. By giving him no name, the focus is placed more on the man's experiences and actions rather than on his personal identity. This allows readers to better relate to his situation and the moral dilemmas he faces.
In "The Sea Devil" by Arthur Gordon, there is alliteration in phrases such as "Swirling silently, the sea devil waits," where the repeating "s" sound creates the alliteration.
The Sea Devil's Eye - novel - was created in 2000.
In "The Sea Devil" by Arthur Gordon, the protagonist is able to free himself from the sea devil by using his wits and understanding the creature's behavior. By remaining calm and using his knowledge of marine life, the protagonist is able to outsmart the sea devil and escape its clutches.
the sea devil