uptu top 100 engineering college ki list
top 30 colleges for b.tech in uptu.
uptu rankwise college (top rank to lowest rank) 2010
Itm lko(483)
Indian Institute of Technology - IIT MadrasDr. M.G.R. Educational and Research InstituteV.E.L. High Tech Engineering CollegeSt. Joseph's College of EngineeringJeppiaar Engineering College
M.m.m.engineering college,gorakhpur
top 50 MBA college in u.p.t.u. on the basis of placement.
top collage in up of MBA top collage in up of MBA
Rkgit is India's first college to Google mail services. Rkgit is ranked among top 10 institutes of uptu.
List of top ten college for mca cource from uptu.
Ims abes akg rkgit