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Q: Was the only president to ever receive 100 percent of the votes from the Electoral College?
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What must you receive to be elected president?

You must receive a majority of votes by the electoral college.

To be elected president one must receive?

A majority of votes by the electoral college :)

To become president of the US a candidate has to receive a majority of votes from what?

The Electoral College

George Washington remains the only president to receive what percent of the electoral vote?


Who was the only president to ever receive 100 of the votes from the Electoral College?

George Washington received 100% of the electoral votes and was unanimously elected President in 1789 and 1792.

George Washington slogan?

George Washington did not have a slogan. He is the only president to receive 100 percent of the electoral votes. In fact, he received 100 percent twice.

How many electoral votes did Mitt Romney receive in Delaware?

None. He is seeking delegates to the Republican National Convention in an attempt to become the Republican nominee for President--not electors to the Electoral College which he will need to actually become President.

How does the Electrol College work?

The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors who cast votes to decide the President of the United States. When the citizens of the United States vote the electors in the electoral college receive those votes and vote for the person chosen by that states people.

How many electoral votes does a canidate need to receive to win the presidency in the electoral college?


George Washington received 69 electoral vote's how many did his opponent receive?

For his first term in office, he unanimously elected President by the Electoral College and for his second term in office no one ran against him.

How how many electoral college votes must be President receive to win the election?

A majority. Since there are currently 538 votes, 270 votes are required.

Who did not receive enough votes from the electorial college during his election?

John Quincy Adams was the only President who did not receive a majority of the electoral votes. There was a dispute over the credentials of some of the electors in 1876, but after the dispute was settled, Rutherford Hayes won a majority of the electoral vote.