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Hai, sou desu. Watashi mo desu ka.

yes, i am. Are you pretty?

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私は悪いです (watashi wa warui desu) means 'I'm bad' in Japanese.

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What does naze watashi wa shittodesu ka mean in English?

なぜ私は嫉妬ですか (naze watashi wa shitto desu ka) translates to 'why am I jealous?' in Japanese.

What is the word 'are' when translated from English to Japanese?

simply, Desu. eg. who are you? - anata wa dare desu ka? where are you? - anata wa doko desu ka? are you ill? - anata wa byouki desu ka? are they new? - arera wa atarashii desu ka? ect. Desu means: Are, Is, and am.

O genki desu kawatashiwa o genki desuanata wadaijubo desu ka?

O genki desu ka→How are you? watashiwa o genki desu is wrong. When you describe yourself,do not use [o]. watashi WA genki desu→I'm fine. anata wadaijoubo desuka? is wrong.daijoubo is daijoubu. anata WA daijoubu desuka?→Are you well?

What is O genki desu ka watashi wa genki desu anata?

Watashiwa o genki desu means "I am fine" or "I am well"HoweverWhen speaking about yourself and your own condition, it would be improper to say o-genki (the 'o' here is a form of honorific).It would be much more natural to saywatashi WA genki desu.or simply genki desu.

What is the Japanese word for where?

where are the...= wa doko desu ka ( the u in desu is silent) e.G TOIRE WA DOKO DESU KA - where are the toilets.

How To Say I'm Embarrassed In Japanese?

私は恥ずかしい Pronounce - wa-ta-shi-wa-ha-zu-ka-shii

What does Toire wa doko desu ka?

"Toire wa doko desu ka?" is a Japanese phrase and in English it means "Where is the bathroom? Where is the toilet?"

What does kanadajin desu ka mean?

Are you Canadian? I think. Watashi Ha Kanadajin Desu = I'm Canadian

Onomimono WA ikada desu ka?

"How about a drink?" (Onomimono WA ikaga deshou ka)

How do you say im good in Japanese?

Watashi wa genki desu. (私は元気です。) - used in greetings especially in response to 'O genki desu ka?' (お元気ですか?) - which means 'how are you'. A literal translation of 'I'm good' is 'Watashi wa ii desu' (私はいいです。) *Note: guys should use 'Boku' (meaning I) instead of 'Watashi' which is the feminine version.

How do we say i am fine thank you in Japanese?

if someone asked you "ogenki desu ka" (how are you) you can answer him by saying "genki desu" (i'm fine)

What is the Japanese of what is it?

kore (this) WA (is) nan (what) desu ka?