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Q: What Getting a college degree is a good idea because?
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Why would it be a good idea to go to college to study financial accounting?

It would be a good idea to go to college to study financial accounting because the job market is getting more and more difficult day by day. A degree goes a long way in separating an applicant from others.

Is a college degree needed for a career in sales management?

Getting any career in management is made easier by getting a degree, though it is possible to work one's way up in a company without a formal degree. One has to really prove to be a good employee with good decision making skills though.

What type of college degree did Judy Blume get?

authors and good degree

Is criminal justice a good career for college students?

Criminal justice is a good career for college students because they have a chance to fight against the bad in our world's environments. They will get a full degree in this field.

What colleges can you attend to become a teacher?

thats a good one i think it could be a prvate college that can give you some benifits for a degree or you can go to a university such as arkansas college and study there and gain a degree there for example you wanted to become a middle school teacher well you decided to go to a prvate college and you suceeed in getting a degree there and was elegible to teach in middle school class.

What is the degree required to be a newcaster?

While many news reporters do have a degree, it is not mandatory. However, getting a degree from a good college with a major in broadcasting or journalism can be helpful: it gives you hands-on experience at the college radio or TV station or at the college newspaper; it often provides you with internships that enable you to see how professionals do their jobs; and it teaches you the history, the theories, and the skills needed to succeed in this career.

What is a good job in North Georgia for a young male without a college degree?

Good jobs are hard to come by without a college degree. It will be your connections that get you a job, your friends, family, etc. If you have none, then you will want to get a college degree or there is no such thing as a "good job." Labor work is the best you can get without education.

Can you transfer credits from a community college to an online college?

Hey! I just started at Ashworth College and I'm not sure about other schools but here you can transfer credits. I'm getting my online associates degree and my credits transferred. Good luck!

Why people attend college?

so they can get a degree and get a good job

How old do you have to be to do archaeology?

out of college with a degree. Uconn is a good place for this.

Why go to college if your smart?

To get smarter or get a degree to get a good job.

Shoud I need a college degree?

You absolutely dont need a college degree to be successfull (it does help if you can speak and write good english) but it will depend on where you want to end up. Good Luck!