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lacta matris

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Q: What Latin word means mother's milk?
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What is the French word lac in English?

The word "lac" in Latin means "milk".

What is the Latin word for 'curd'?

The Latin equivalent of the English word 'curd' is lac concretum. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'lac' means 'milk'. The past participle used as an adjective 'concretum' means 'compounded, condensed, congealed, stiffened, thickened'.

What is the latin word for milk?


Latin word for mater?

The Latin word mater is a third declension Latin noun. As a singular (mater) it means mother. As a plural (matres) it means mothers. Colleges often have "alma maters" which means nurturing mother. It is usually their main song.

What Latin word means to read?

Legere is the Latin word which means "to read"

What does the latin word carbo mean?

The Latin word "carbo" means coal or charcoal.

What does the roman word aero mean?

There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.There is no Latin word "aero". The term aero is a modern term deriving from the Latin word "aer" which means the atmosphere.

Does the word addiction come from Latin?

Yes the word in latin is addicere which means to be sentenced in latin

What is the Latin word for hurry?

The Latin word for hurry is festino that means to hasten or speed. Another Latin word that means speed is celeritas..

What is the latin root word of mammal?

The word mammal is rooted in the Latin word mamma, mammae which means "breast". This is appropriate since one of the characteristics of mammals is that they nurse their young.

What is the Latin word for doctor?

The Latin word for doctor is medicus.Doctoris, in Latin, means teacher.

What is the translation for money in the Romans language?

The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.The word "pecunia" means money in Latin, the language of the ancient Romans.