What is the required SAT score to attend Francis Marion?
An ACT score of about 35-36 is needed to get in to Ohio Dominican University. A SAT score of about 600 is needed to get in to Ohio Dominican University.
For most colleges and universities 1400 SAT score is considered a good score for admissions.
The SAT is not used for graduation, but for university entrance. To get into a top university you need a score of at least 1400 or above.
the score is at least 1,290
What is the SAT score to get admission to University of Texas in Austin
According to Collegeview.com, the lowest SAT I math score that West Virginia University accepts is a 480.
The average sat score to get into umass amherst is about an 1100 last year the average sat score of applicants was an 1142
The minimum SAT score required to gain admission to Mississippi State University is 770. An ACT score of 16 or higher is also required.
10000 okay