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Many individuals start at the community college level for a variety of reasons to include:

  • Community colleges are less expensive to start out with. You can cut the cost of a four year degree almost in half by starting at a community college first, and then transferring to four year college or university to finish up the last two years.
  • There are typically smaller classroom sizes at the community college with a better professor to student ratio, which means more individualized attention.
  • Some students do not meet the entrance requirements of the four year college or university, thus they start at the community college first, then transfer later.
  • The community colleges are typically more family oriented, with a strong sense of community.
  • Some students like to be close to home, thus they start at their home county community college.
  • Some careers only require an associate's degree.
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14y ago
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13y ago

Two years is the minimum amount of time required to complete an Associate's Degree. Two year colleges offer these degrees in many different areas of study. They also often offer certificate, adult study, and career training programs.

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15y ago

colleges r usually 4 years so theres only a little bit adavantage

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A four year college requires 128 credits so I would imagine a two year college would take half that. (64)