change tone/setting- apex
Describing a characters gestures
Common ways writers fill a natural pause in dialogue include using action beats (describing character actions), inserting internal thoughts or emotions, or incorporating descriptive details of the setting. These techniques help to maintain the flow of the conversation and provide additional context to the scene.
Ellipses allow writers to leave words out of a quote. Make a pause in dialogue - Apex :)
A brief pause in the dialogue
A caesura is a natural pause or break in the middle of a line.
In grammar, three dots in a row indicates a pause. It is expected that the sentence or dialogue will continue after the dots. Four dots means a pause and the end of that sentence.
The same actress. Trick Photography was used to have them on screen together, but usually a slight, push-to-talk dialogue pause.
A pregnant pause in literature is a dramatic pause in dialogue or description that creates tension or anticipation. It is often used to build suspense or convey a character's hesitation or inner conflict.
The three dots (...) in a play script indicate a pause in dialogue, often to convey a hesitation or unfinished thought by a character. It suggests a moment of silence or contemplation before continuing the conversation.
A caesura is a pause within a line of poetry that can create emphasis or a moment of reflection. It is often marked by punctuation or by a natural break in the rhythm of the line.
An end-stopped line is a line of poetry which has a natural pause at the end, usually because of punctuation.
You can use ellipsis (...) or em dashes (—) to mark interruptions in writing or dialogue to show a pause or break in thought. Both punctuation marks are commonly used to indicate an unfinished or interrupted sentence.