frogfish belongs to the family Antennariidae, and its remarkable features are, Body short, spherical, and laterally compressed with lateral eyes; mouth large with 2-4 more or less irregular rows of small, villiform teeth on upper and lower jaws; tube-like gill opening under pectoral base, used for jet-propelling. Three dorsal spines on head, the anteriormost (illicium) free and modified as a lure, usually with a distinct fleshy bait (esca). Cutaneous filaments or appendages nearly always present; color and color pattern highly variable from white, yellow, red to dark brown and black. Juveniles and adults benthic in 0-300 m, with the single exception of Histrio, which pelagic in floating sargassum weed. Voracious carnivores feeding on fishes or crustaceans attracted by wriggling the bait. May resort to cannibalism, even if the other is a potential mate. To 33 cm SL in Antennarius avalonis. Usually females lay thousands of eggs embedded in a large bouyant gelatinous mass; several species bear eggs attached to their body, whereas Histrio histrio produces a raft of eggs that floats at the surface among seaweed.
Psychedelic frogfish was created in 2009.
Frogfish walk with their pectoral fins. They only use their fin for short fast swims.
Frogfish are classified under the order Lophiiformes, which contains about 50 genera and over 400 species. They are further categorized into the family Antennariidae within this order. Frogfish are known for their unique appearance and camouflage abilities.
cold blooded
They have poison glands behind their eyes. Animals who attempt to eat them usually spit them out (if they are lucky).
mostly in Indian ocean in australia
he closes his eyes
up your but around the corner with your mom in this order.
cold blooded
Frogs and their tadpoles are unable to exist in saltwater.
Frogfish primarily feed on small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. They are ambush predators that use their camouflage to blend in with their surroundings and ambush their prey by using a quick strike.
The sharks, eels, scorpion fish, frogfish, the grouper, and Cornetfish.