In French, some basic school subjects are:
le français - French
l'anglais - English
l'EPS - PE / Sport
le sport - PE/Sport
la géographie - Geography
l'histoire - History
science - Science
la biologie -Biology
la phisique - Physics
l'espagnol - Spanish
l'allemand - German
le japonais - Japanese
la technologie - Technology
l'informatique - IT, Computing
le dessin - Visual Arts/ Art
la musique - Music
les travaux manuels - Woodwork
l'agriculture - Agriculture
le commerce - Social Studies
les maths - Maths
les réligions - Religion / Scripture
le thêatre - Drama
What is the number of Elementary Schools in France
nothing is different
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Its in france.
thier poor
Yes they do.
yes, they do
A rooster is the mascot for France.
Well there is not a 'New France' it is still the same place, and well if you want facts about France then go on the internet and look for some. That is why we have the interent!
facts about marius weyers
There are over 130 television channels in France.