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Why do you want to know? WikiAnswers can help you write your paragraphs, but we can't write them for you. The trick to writing is to forget that you are writing and just pretend you are talking to a friend. What questions would you ask your friend about the topic?

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Q: What are some examples of paragraph that begins with question?
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Is a topic sentence the main idea and thesis statement?

A topic sentence is the main idea of a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence of the paragraph and makes a statement about some topic. The rest of the paragraph explains the topic sentence or gives examples of the topic sentence. A thesis is an essay or treatise on a particular subject. So a thesis statement would be a (short) paragraph at the beginning of the these stating what the thesis is about.

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This is an excellent question.

What are some good transitions to end the body of a paragraph?

Some good transitions to end the body of a paragragh are as follows... With a question. Or with a conclusion.

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Paragraphs those give details covers the minor details of the subject that is being discussed. The details can be either covered in one long paragraph or two or three short paragraphs.

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The web browser you used to post this question.

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Bullying can happen to anyone or be done by anyone; here are some examples of how this can happen.

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***MERGE THIS QUESTION*** should be with "What are some examples of idioms" - see Related Question link below

Is it ok to begin an essay with a question?

Answer:Make sure the question is phrased in a way that doesn't imply uncertainty of the answer. Don't have a question act as a motif since it is not your thesis; rather, it will likely precede the thesis since it's presented in the intro.The previous answer seemed enthusiastic which is great, but it's important to recognise that questions in essays can make the essay in question seem informal which can often lead to a negative influence on the mark. But of course it all depends on whoever is marking the essay. Some teachers prefer content over structure, and some prefer formality over effectiveness.It certainly is OK to begin your essay - or your paragraph, or your introduction, or your conclusion! - with a question. Indeed, it is often preferred that an essay begins with a question. Your opening question tells your reader exactly what your essay is about.Your next step might be to mention briefly, in one paragraph, the issues involved in your question. After that, go on to talk about each issue in a separate paragraph, examining each issue from as many perspectives as possible.End your essay by answering your question, and give reasons to support your answer.You will probably begin your essay knowing what the answer to your question will be. One technique used by many in writing an essay is to write the question and answer first, and then the paragraph outlining the issues. After that, the rest of your essay will fall into place much easier.

What are some good examples of telling a girl?

What are you talking about? Please rephrase your question.

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Still not going to answer your question.