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Q: What are the advantages of a standing dive?
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How do you get hidden machine dive in Pokemon white?

in unbrella town in front of three houses talk to the girl standing in front and she will give you dive. or you can catch a walmer that nos dive.(that's what i did)

How do you get dive in white?

Some girl gives it to you in Undella Town. She is standing near Cynthia's villa (The on on the far right).


Euroclad's standing seam cladding systems offer a great amount of advantages for installation in modern construction projects. 

Is a swimmer standing on a diving board a example of kinetic energy?

No, a swimmer standing on a diving board is an example of potential energy, as the swimmer has the potential to move and convert that stored energy into kinetic energy once they dive into the water.

Would the new statement also be true if you took an if-then statement and reversed the clauses?

No. For example, considerIf you dive into a pool then you will get wet.If you get wet then you will dive into the pool.In the second statement, apart from the chronology getting reversed, you could get wet by standing in the rain, or having a shower.

Is there a dive called a jumping dive?

yesbut is slang for a pencile dive...

Where do you dive to in mythology?

you can dive if you were in Poseidon's beach there is a statue of him with a seahorse there you can dive

Why was he standing next to me almost hole time at someone's wedding?

"He" probably likes you. But just be pals. Never dive right into a relationship! It all goes down hill from there. Just be pals.

What is a stride dive?

A dive with a strive

What were 3 advantages that the british had at the start of the revolution?

1. A standing professional military. 2. A centralized government. 3. Advanced weaponry.

Where to get dive in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The HM Dive is not in SoulSilver or HeartGold, for there is no deep water to dive into.