in Pakistan average salary in RS is 10000
Average salary of nurses in Punjab-Pakistan is Rs. 60,000/- Per month after medical special allowance.
kjgfoo4o kjgfoo4o
The average salary of a bilingual MBA graduate ranges between $80,000 and $97,000. Bonuses up to 8 percent are also given to bilingual MBA graduates.
Around 18000 to 20000 in pakistan
According to Payscale.com, the average salary for a supply chain analyst with an MBA in the San Francisco metropolitan statistical area is about $118280 per year.
The salary of a petrochemical engineer in Pakistan depends upon level of experience and location. The average salary for this occupation is between Rs 38,000 and Rs 41,000.
Top 50 MBA: 60-80K Top 25 MBA: 70-90K Top 5 MBA: 85-125K (mostly concentrated in IBanking and Consulting)
Well according to the current conditions (8/3/12) the average salary of a beginer software engineer is 50-60K (PKR) !!
The scope of MBA advertisement in Pakistan is quite broad. There are numerous channels and agencies which are wholly solely doing work for advertisement.
A MBA degree does not help you get high salary jobs. That is because an MBA degree is not as high as a doctors degree. A doctor on the other hand could get high salary jobs because of med school and college.