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"As you sow so shall you reap" This is the Law of Karma. Interestingly, both science and religion recognize this law.In science it is often stated, "For every action there is an equal and opposing reaction." Its religious counterparts are, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth";; and "As you do unto others, it will be done unto you." Even today's common knowledge expresses this principle in the saying, "What goes around, comes around." This is the law of karma, of cause and effect. ==new answer==Karma is the method of achieving balance. It means- indebebtedness to the self whereby an experience is repeated to give us an opportunity to learn. When learning is avioded, karma continues. The only way to offset karma is through developing an understanding of the experience so that it is no longer needed. As understanding is used we will still have a similar experience for the purpose of practicing the new understanding. This is how mistakes are turned into something productive. It is commonly misunderstood as a law of punishment rather than opportunity.

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Q: What are the basic principles of Karma?
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