Illiterate people: are people not able to read or write. In the world of today, a person needs to be literate to a certain level for him to function in the society, and there are a lot of disadvantages of illiteracy
. Crime Rate
2. Low Health
3. Loss of productivity
Crime Rate
it's been observed that crimes committed by illiterate ones are more in number as compared to the literate ones. Because uneducated people have no skill in their hand nor they have education to earn money. So it seems easy to them to commit a crime because it's the easiest way to earn money. So illiteracy gives birth to crime.
Low Health Issues
As illiterate people are unaware of the hygienic factors and personal hygiene matters so they are often caught up by different diseases. Their self carelessness results in low health which leads to the major complications later on. It might be disadvantage in some cases.
Loss of Productivity, Resources and Time
As these illiterate people sometimes does not understand the value of time so they waste their useful time in time wasting activities instead of utilizing somewhere else where this time could yield some results. Also the illiterate people utilize more number of country's resources then literate one. So which cause them burden on Government's shoulder.
"Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime"
Right now the rate of illiteracy is about 25% of the population and this is a problem. The more literate a population is the better they can live, buy, and handle business needed to live in a modern society. There is no disadvantages to literacy because people can think and critically think about important issues in their lives, in political matters, and work. The more people know the better they are in living standards.
the concept of illiteracy are the ideas of illiteracy
Illiteracy is rampant in some rural parts.
Filed research is time consuming and the following problems are also encountered 1. Language barrier 2. Illiteracy 3. Expensive
Any question that relates to illiteracy.
Illiteracy is when a person can not read or write. Or understand written word.
My brother Tom MUST reduce his illiteracy
The illiteracy rate in the dominican republic is: 13.0
Opposite word of illiteracy is literate, able, educated, learned, or taught
If the answer were known then illiteracy would be less of an issue.
I get tired of saying there's twenty two percent illiteracy in the area.
Illiteracy rates are a significant issue in many developing countries, hindering access to education and economic opportunities for millions of people.
"Illiteracy" is a noun that refers to the inability to read or write.