Examples of the computer application in the society includes: 1. Word processor. 2. Spreadsheet 3. Data base 4.
what are the application of computer in society
Programming and design are examples in computer application in science.
secheduling the railways and air flights application are different examples in computer application in travel.
nursing, laboratory records and reporting are the different examples in computer application in publishing.
d ko alam
A network application has two components, one that runs on the local computer and one that runs on a remote computer. E-mail and surfing the internet are a common example of a network application.
It is short for "application". Another word for a computer application is a "program". Some examples of an app would be Microsoft Word, iTunes, and Guitar Hero.
This is far to vague to be answered as is. There are thousands of different software applications available. > > > > Application Software have 4 examples, but i dont know what is the 4 examples. :)
What are the application of computer to marketing
computer application mean is all types of computer work can easily written and notes in the computer that is called computer application
what is the application of computer in creation
Engineering is the application of rules of engineering to any field e-g application of rules of engineering to computer-science makes it computer-engineering similar to all fields (electrical, civil, petroleaum,software)