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Q: What caused the professional standards movement in education?
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What constitutes doctor malpractice?

Malpractice is defined as negligence by a professional failing to perform to established professional standards. In a medical sense malpractice is when due to that negligence a patient is caused damages or even death by the doctors lack of following acceptable standards of care. The exact laws and regulations vary by state of what acceptable medical care and standards consist of.

Completes the sentence- Sound is caused by the movement of through the air. What movement is sound caused by?


What is caused the sea movement?

It is caused by earth quake.

How is the movement of the celestial pole caused?

The movement of the celestial pole is caused by Precession of the Earth's rotational axis.

Why do passive margins have no trenches?

Trenches are caused by plate movement.

What cause's a mass movement?

A mass movement is caused by Gravity.

How is movement in cynobacteria is caused?

it is caused by secretion of mucilage by their cells

What is hiccough?

Hiccough is caused due to the vibrating movement of the diaphram. Or in other words, it is caused due to the sudden movement of the diaphram.

What process is a sudden movement caused primarily by gravity?

A fall is a sudden movement caused primarily by gravity.

What takes place in the process called pancaking?

building collapse ("pancaking") due to high building construction standards. Pancaking results from the moving of rock deep under the ground. This movement is caused by the rubbing of one plate into another.

Muscular movement is caused by?

motor nutrons

What causes air movement?

Air movement is caused by uneven heating of Earth's surface