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Q: What color comes from the greek word porphyra?
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Why is the purple color called purple?

The word "purple" comes from the Old English word "purpul," which originated from the Latin word "purpura," and ultimately from the Greek word "porphura." The color was historically associated with royalty and nobility due to the expensive and rare dye used to create it.

What is the root word for chromatic?

The root word for "chromatic" is "chroma," which comes from the Greek word for "color."

What is the Greek word for the color orange?

The Greek word for the word for yellow is kitrino. In addition, the Greek word for the word red is kokkino.

From which language does the word Kyanite come from?

The word kyanite is derived from the Greek language. The Greek word it comes from is kuanos which means a deep blue color which is likely because of the lovely blue color of Kyanite.

Does the word throne comes from a greek word?

It comes from the Greek word Thronos, meaning High Seat

How did chromium get its symbol?

The symbol for chromium, Cr, comes from its Latin name "chroma," which means color. Chromium is known for producing colorful compounds, hence the choice of symbol.

Is the word Mechanic latin or greek?

The word "mechanic" comes from the Greek word "mēkhanikos," which means "pertaining to machines."

What is the origin for the name of iodine?

The name "iodine" comes from the Greek word "iodes," meaning violet-colored, reflecting the violet color of iodine vapor.

What is the greek word for Exodus?

The word Exodus is Latin and comes almost directly from Greek. The Greek word is exodos and comes from two other Greek words: ex 'out of' and hodos'way'

What is the Greek word for salvation?

Salvation comes from the Greek word soteria.

Is the prefix in the word chlorine indicates a greenish color?

No, the prefix "chlor-" in the word chlorine does not indicate a greenish color. It comes from the Greek word "khloros," meaning greenish yellow, but the color of chlorine gas itself is actually a greenish-yellow.

What does chromatography mean in Greek?

"Chromatography" comes from the Greek words "chroma," meaning color, and "graphein," meaning to write or draw. Therefore, chromatography in Greek would mean "color writing" or "color drawing."