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"Black" is the color represented by the Italian word nero.

Specifically, the Italian word is the masculine form of an adjective in its singular form. It is pronounced "NEY-roh". The feminine singular form, nera, is pronounced "NEY-rah".

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Q: What color is represented by the Italian word 'Nero'?
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What is another word for the color black in Italian?

Buio, scuro, cupo, but if yopu mean the look they use dark it is the same

Translate the word black?

German: schwarz Italian: Nero Spanish: negro

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'black pepper'?

Pepe nero is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "black pepper".Specifically, the masculine noun pepe means "pepper". The masculine adjective nero translates as "black". The pronunciation will be "PEY-pey NEY-roh" in Italian.

What is the pronunciation of the Italian name 'Nero'?

The Italian pronunciation is NAY-rroh (with EM-phasis on the CAP-ital letters). The first syllable 'ne' is quite short, like the e in neck.The Italian e is pronounced 'ay', o is like the o in 'note'. The r is slightly rolled, like rr, but only slightly.However, when using the word in an English-speaking country, the English pronunciation of Nero is NEAR-oh, and the o in Nero is like the 'ow' in slow, or the oe in toe.---------------------------------------------------------TO HEAR the Italian pronunciation of Nero, spoken by an Italian, click on Related links below this box.

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What is 'black eye' when translated from English to Italian?

Occhio nero for eye color and occhio pesto for a contusion are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "black eye." The masculine singular nouns and adjectives respectively translate literally by word order into English as "eye black (in color)" and "eye beat up." The respective pronunciations will be "OK-kyo NEY-ro" and "OK-kyo PEY-sto" in Italian.

Is the word 'color' considered masculine in Italian?

Yes, the word color is masculine in Italian.Specifically, the Italian equivalent is colore. It may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il("the"). The pronunciation will be "ko-LO-re" in Italian.

What is an Italian synonym of 'moulan'?

Negro or Nero may be Italian synonyms of 'moulan'. The Italian slang word is pronounced 'mooh-LAN'. It means 'black person', which also is an English meaning of the masculine adjectives/nouns 'negro' and 'Nero'. The standard Italian words are pronounced 'NEH-groh' and 'NEH-roh', respectively.Ah, not so. Mouli, mooli, or mully, is an abbreviation for the word Moulinyan. Italians call black people Moulinyans. Moulinyan means eggplant. Mouli is just a shore, Americanized slang for the real word.

What ia an Italian word for color?

'Colore' is an Italian equivalent of 'color'. The Italian word is a masculine noun whose definite article is 'il' ['the'] and whose indefinite article is 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'koh-LOH-reh'.

What color is the color cerise?

It is a bright pinkish red. In Italian languages, the word "cerise" means "cherry".

What is 'black man' when translated from English to Italian?

Uomo nero is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "black man." The pronunciation of the masculine singular noun and adjective -- which by word order translate as "man black" -- will be "WO-mo NEH-ro" in Italian.

How do you pronounce Italy in Italian?

NEH-roh is the Italian pronunciation of the word 'nero'. The word in Italian is the masculine form of the adjective that means 'black'. The feminine form is 'nera', which is pronounced 'NEH-rah'.