The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a diagnostic medical sonographer. Education and training. There are several avenues for entry into the field of diagnostic medical sonography. Sonographers may train in hospitals, vocational-technical institutions, colleges and universities, and the Armed Forces. Some training programs prefer applicants with a background in science or experience in other health care professions. Some also may consider high school graduates with courses in mathematics and science, as well as applicants with liberal arts backgrounds, but this practice is infrequent. Colleges and universities offer formal training in both 2- and 4-year programs, culminating in an associate or a bachelor's degree. Two-year programs are most prevalent. Course work includes classes in anatomy, physiology, instrumentation, basic physics, patient care, and medical ethics. A few 1-year programs that may result in a certificate also are accepted as proper education by employers. These programs typically are satisfactory education for workers already in health care who seek to increase their marketability by training in sonography. These programs are not accredited. The Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited 147 training programs in 2006. These programs typically are the formal training programs offered by colleges and universities. Some hospital programs are accredited as well.
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what is the eduction or careers you need to do to be a sonographer
You can learn about how to become a sonographer on the following site: They have a lot of useful info.
it's a two year program at a Jr. or Community college. If you attend full time. Figure on 3 years depending on waiting lists for programs. You'll alos ned a lot of math and science, including anatomy/physiology and physics. You can work in hospitals or work at various private medical offices.
A medical degree is required.
A Diagnostic Medical profession is a new job and has a good chance to become a big job in the near future. If you take the time to learn about the career and if it interests you, then you should pursue the career.
A sonographer is a kind of medical technician. Specifically, a sonographer is a person who performs a kind medical scan on a person’s body most commonly known as an ultrasound. To perform an ultrasound, a sonographer will first apply a certain kind of gel to a portion of a patient’s body. A device referred to as a transducer is then waved over that area of the body. The transducer will shoot sound waves into the patient’s body. These sound waves will hit organs inside and then bounce back out to the transducer. These sound waves are then used to produce detailed images of the inside of the patient’s body. Things ultrasounds can be used for include detecting cancer, determining whether or not an organ is operating properly, or determining the health of a fetus inside a mother’s womb. Specialization with in this career field is quite common. Examples of fields a sonographer can specialize in include breast cancer screening, echocardiology, neurosonology, and obstetrics. Sonographers usually work in hospitals. However, there may be openings for this position in doctors’ offices, clinics, and laboratories. A sonographer can expect to make somewhere between $47,000 and $69,000 a year. A new sonographer can expect to make between fifteen and twenty three dollars an hour in his or her first year on the job. Since sonographers are medical technicians and not doctors, the amount of education needed to obtain entrance into this career field is not nearly as intense. However, high school and college diplomas will certainly be required. The college curriculum needed to learn the trade of sonography varies based on the kind of sonography that person wishes to pursue. Depending on the curriculum, a college sonography program can taken one to four years to complete. In addition to the educational requirements, a sonographer will also have to be accepted as a clinical intern at a facility that performs ultrasounds. During this internship, the intern will work under a licensed sonographer and gain practical experience. Finally, to become a fully certified sonographer, that person will have to pass a rigorous exam to test his or her medical knowledge as well as skills related to the correct performance of an ultrasound.
In order to become a medical transcriptionist, you will need to take years of school at both a highschool and college university with required courses.
Principles of Health Science, Medical Terminology, Medical Science, Medical Math, ETC.
A sonographer is a trained technician who operates ultrasonic machines that scan and examine patients for medical issues. It is an exciting career that requires a person also to communicate well with the patients and healthcare personnel. There are different fields of specialization. The most popular is in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.
You need to attend Medical School.
a medical degree and residency is required to work in this field