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school is for all

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4y ago

Alfred made a school to i.prove ed education

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4y ago

Alfred did that because he made a school

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4y ago

he made a big school

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Q: What did Alfred of the Danes think about education?
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Ordered the city of London to be rebuilt after the Danes destroyed it?

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Alfred the great is important in English history because he?

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Why was king Alfred called Alfred the great?

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Where did the vikings live after they defeated by Alfred the great?

When Alfred the great defeated the Vikings (more properly the Danes), he only managed to stop the advance of the the Danish conquest of England. England was not a unified country yet and Alfred was only the king of the kingdom of Wessex, land of the West Saxons. Many Danes had been living in England for at least a generation and when Alfred stopped there advance they continued to occupy about half of what we now call England. This part of England, where they Danes (or Vikings) lived and ruled was called the Danelaw.

England was divided in 886 AD how was the country divided?

In 866, Alfred the Great negotiated a treat with the Danes that divided England. The north and east, between the Rivers Thames and Tees, were given to the Danes and known as Daneslaw. The second half, between Kent and West Mercia, belonged to Alfred.