"Esta" means "this" whan applied to a faminine subject. Example: "esta mesa" means "this table". "Está" is a conjugated form of the verb "estar", one of the two Spanish verbs meaning "to be". In this case, it is the third person singular present tense form, meaning "he or she is", or "you (formal) are."
This is my school.
"Esta es" means "This is".
Which is this date
"What color is this?"
The Spanish words esta es translate into English as the words this is. These words translate into French as c'est.
Is this your photo?
this "bud?" is for you.
This is my grandma
It can be translated to English as followed. This or this is.
its fine ... but it is spelled 'esta bien'
It translates from Spanish as 'this is my partner' !
"This crap is crap."