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because the french quarter

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Q: What do people like about lousisana state?
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Louisiana State University is in Lousisana.

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· Denham Springs is a city in Louisiana

Who are the senitors of lousisana?

the current Louisiana senators are Mary Landrieu and David Vitter.

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some guy in lousisana named willie stubbs

Why was their a lousisana purchase?

SO the United States could get more land and have access to the Mississippi river.

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How many people like Ohio state?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of people who like Ohio State University. However, Ohio State has a large fan base, especially among students, alumni, and residents of Ohio. They have a strong following in college football and basketball.

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How many hours is Lousisana ahead of California?

Louisiana is 2 hours ahead of California.

Is Texas a racist state?

No, like in all states there are a few people who are racist and that is a mistake from them, but it is wrong to call the state a racist state because the majority of the people in Texas are not racist.