A young Irish girl is typically called a "girl" or a "lass." In Irish Gaelic, a young girl can also be referred to as a "cailín," which translates to "girl" in English. Additionally, in informal or colloquial language, a young Irish girl may be called a "lassie" or a "lass."
In Irish a young girl is a "girseach", "gearrchaile" or "cailín beag". "Cailín" is a teenager or unmarried woman. A married woman is "bean".
a young girl hugging a bear.
Colleen is an Irish word for a young unmarried girl.
Possibly 'girseach', a young girl.
Young person, youth; boy. Macaomh mná, girl, young woman.
The answer is "TEEN"
Girl or lady.
"Young, Lady" or call her by name.
The term "Lassie" is primarily Scottish in origin and is commonly used to refer to a young girl or maiden in Scotland. While it is more commonly associated with Scotland, the term can also be used in Ireland to refer to a young girl, although it is not as prevalent as in Scottish culture. In Ireland, the term "lass" may be more commonly used to refer to a young girl or woman.
A "Flapper"